Mr. Akarawuth Tamrareang (@joomlacorner), Managing Director of Marvelic Engine Co.,Ltd. is one of the top contributors of Mautic Project. Mautic, an Open Source Marketing Automation, was founded by David Hurley.

อัครวุฒิ ติด Top Contributors ในโปรเจค Mautic

Marketing Automation system is a software platform designed to enhance online market for example: email, social media, website etc. It is one of the powerful platforms that could boost sales. This platform could help users save time and learn more about their target customers in different types of business. Users are able to set their social network target by using this platform with other softwares for example: SaleFoce.com , SugarCRM, vTigerCRM , Joomla! , WordPress, etc.

Mr. Akarawuth is aware of the importance in using Open Source Technology in Thailand. He finally decided to be a part of Mautic project in order to help this community become even stronger!

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